Has anything changed from the last blog post I made here in terms of my depression? In all honesty, no. Sure, I do still have some decent days, but they come very few and far in between.
It’s been almost a year since I went on my voice acting hiatus, and it doesn’t seem like it’ll cease anytime soon. In fact, I plan to sell my microphone in the near future. It’s a Studio Projects C1 Condenser Microphone as shown in this post I made on the Voice Acting section of the Newgrounds forum: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1379637
It does come with its own case and it’s in good condition. A screw is loose on the casing, but I’m working to fix it promptly. I plan to sell it at around $175 to $200. If interested, let me know and perhaps we can go through some details.
I was originally going to sell my Alesis Multimix 8 USB FX Multimixer, but I unfortunately have lost the software disc. I hope to see if I can buy a replacement, but the searching process has been grim.
I have deleted all my friends on Facebook as well as my contacts on Skype, for I believe that they deserve a better friend than my self-hating self.
Job has been crap. I have no passion nor drive, and I screw up everytime I’m there. The worse part is that even if I decide to quit and find another job, there’s no other valid job for me. I’ve been looking for a different job for over two years before having no choice but to accept this position.
The days are short; the happiness always depletes. No point, no chance of success, no future.